📄️ How to load manually creation data
If you want load thanks to BP/Functions you can just call the LoadCreation function from ACCCreationComponent
📄️ How to Add Custom Parameter
Base system (the core)
📄️ How to save manually current character data
Here is an example of how you can save modifications to the current character in the game before leaving the map.
📄️ How change equipment in Runtime
To change a character's visual equipment at runtime under the ACC plugin, you simply need to retrieve the EquipMgr and call utility functions such as ChangeEquipIntParam.
📄️ How body clip work
Body parts are hidden using texture masks to manage the OpacityMask. So everything is handled in the character body material.
📄️ How change the Default Character
📄️ How work camera creation
The system that allows the camera to move to certain points on the character, like the head, eyes, etc., works with DT_ACC_TargetPoint_Default.