How to load manually creation data
If you want load thanks to BP/Functions you can just call the LoadCreation function from ACCCreationComponent
When you know UnrealEngine ActorComponent mechanics you know you do this kind of stuff from an Actor :
The Data will depend of your custom stuff
Exemple when you get Specie default data
When loading creation data, you have several ways to do it, and it will depend on you.
One way to do it could be to retrieve the default creation data for your Specie based on Maturity and Gender, like this :
Exemple when you load from you custom mechanics (SaveGame, Selection, Etc)
Typically, you'll most likely load the data from your own backup system or character selection.
In the template, I load the data from the creation menu like this:
Certainly, when creating your own game, you might require implementing your own save game mechanics and character selection.
Consequently, advanced knowledge will be essential to accomplish these tasks.