📄️ Introduction
Anime Character Selector (ACS) are a template in UE4 based of Genshin Impact character switching system
📄️ Architecture
GameInstance and GameModule
📄️ Add custom character
This page will explain how can we add a new custom character
📄️ Party Setting Work
How remove/select character in game
📄️ Replication Usage
How use/test replication in two different methods
📄️ Custom Implementation
A brief and quick explanation of what you must not forget to do if you implement your own GameInstance, PlayerState, HUD, PlayerController, etc.
📄️ Advanced Purposes
As you may have noticed, the system that previews characters in a skybox is a set of blueprints spawned very far away on the map, even outside the game’s skybox. This behavior is not optimal and should be changed when developing a complete and polished game. Especially if you're doing multiplayer, as the camera will cull the entire world when it focuses on a scene outside the skybox, which will create problems, particularly regarding LOD.
📄️ Changelog
- Complete overhaul of the system. Removed interfaces and migrated to a more "Component"-based logic.