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Replication Usage

How use/test replication in two different methods

If you want test replication from the Title map ACS_Map_Title you should use Standalone mode because the host will going to be the one who clicks the Host button and not the first PIE by default


If you don't launch in Standalone mode, you will have BP error Accessed None trying to read property MainWidget

In this map, only owning client can access her own widget

Standalone mode

This method are used if you want each PIE select her own Party Account Mock (with her own UID)


As Listen Server

If you want test but in the test map ACS_Map_Test you can only test with 2 player because you don't select UID and i do UID selector depend if it's Server or Client (so only 2 ways)


And more, you must run this at Play As Listen Server



To make this work, player must have different UID and so different party account setting !