Command Action
The struct CommandAction manage the execution of an Action from Input buffer sequence success execution
This struct have :
- ActionId : The action to execute by default
- Priority : The priority of the command action execution (if you have an another action starting with the same input sequence, you should give a higher priorty of the shortless command action)
- Operator : AND or OR
- InputCommand : More explain in the next section
- ActionSuccess : The action execution from the character situation
Input Command
The input command it's the buffer sequences, but can precise if the arrow direction are relative of the character direction
Association with the Controller
Before to see how the Command Action execute an Action, here is how the Input System detect your global input configuration
In the PlayerController :
And in the Fighter Controller, is the OnCommandActionSuccess event from Input System are called when you successfuly trigger a Command Action
The fighter attached to the controller will execute the action
Fighter Action Command
The list of the input command are stored in each character folder as a DataTable. For example in Siria character you can found this:
An example of one row :
Explain :
- 3 Inputs - 2::Down | 4::Right | 5::W(A Button)
- Action execution if success (from character situation)