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Getting Started

Here is some important information before starting use assets and read the docs

Initial Setup

You need to use AFT Plugin Utility for make working two function better

You can download the plugin here : Plugins - AFT Utility

Since you activated it in the project you will need to call thoses two functions


It's not obligatory, it's an advise to make BP lighter



Be sure you call the function source from the plugin

To recognize wich function are from the plugin it's like here (in AFT|Animation category and said Target is AFTUtility BPLibrary)


It's used to get frame and time from animation regardless of the source framerate of the animation. Example some animation can have 30fps another 24 or 60

This data can't be accessed via blueprint natively

Starting Recommandation and Project Structure

For better asset version upgrade (migration), you must put all of your custom stuff or characters/fx/map/etc in another folder that AnimeFighterTemplate

Create an another folder in the same level, like MyGame. And put every custom stuff and ressource here

Why ? Because if you want update marketplace asset, you must to completely erase the Asset Folder by the new one.

So if you put our own stuff into, you will lose everything.

Every migration mean your will need to adapt/rewrite BP right, but it's better to reduce the headcache most as possible