SaveGame (Save system)
To manage the save system in the template example, i created 2 Blueprints
- BP_ACC_SaveGame_Example : The SaveGame object contain the array of saved character as a custom struct
- BP_ACC_GameExample_Mgr : A global manager as (Singleton access) to manage some behavior like select a character or get selected character
Example : Load the selected character in game
Basically in the example i load the player character in the Player Controller (BP_ACC_BalladController) at begin play like this :
BP_ACC_BalladControllerExample : Set the selected character
In the menu WBP_GameAccountScreen_Example when i select a character from the menu i call this function to** set the seleted character** in the global game manager
WBP_GameAccountScreen_ExampleCustom Struct in Save Game
In the example the saved character are stored in custom struct, which contain character creation data
So in your own save system you should have your own custom struct which contain character creation data too !