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Create Specie

Create a Specie Data Asset and add this to your Specie DataTable

You should create the folder which contain all of your specie data and assets.

You can inspire from EpicHmn folder like this :

Specie Folder


Here is an example of a Specie Data Asset :

Specie DataAsset


The unique identifier of the specie. Will be used in character data and some assets to know which specie are used on them.


The list of available maturity on the specie.

Each maturity are configured in a DataAsset

Maturity in Data Asset

This mean you can reuse maturity in severals species

Creator Specie UI

The whole configuration of the widget creator for the specie

Group Param Handler

It's about how to interpret all the character data on this specie

Example: how to know what I need to do if the character receive SkinColor parameter

More examples and explainations in the dedicated doc section

Item Param Handler

Which class will interpret item data (like Armor, Accessory, Boot, etc...)

DT Preset

The DataTable which contains the default character data.

It's about every maturities and genders.

Some naming convention to make it work :

  • default : The default character data if the system can't retrieve the default data of the specific character maturity and gender.

  • {maturity}_default : The default character data if the system found the maturity but not the associated gender

  • {maturity}_{gender} : The default character data of the specific character maturity and gender.

Specie DataAsset


Be aware with the Specie identifier in the default character data.

Should be coherent with the Specie Data Asset

Example : The preset are set on "epic_hmn" DataAsset so all default data should have "epic_hmn"" on Specie attribute.

Specie DataAsset

In the Specie Modal Creator

In my example specie selection are located in the widget WBP_ACC_SelectSpecie_Modal


If i want add a specie in this i just need to duplicate one button, change the button image

Do stuff in the OnClick


And this but should adapt the Specie Identifier value to the wanted Specie
