How work the Group Param Handler on Specie
It's this system which manage all stuff from creation data
This mean you can add your own stuff thanks to this
I'll use PHD for ParamHandlerDataAsset
GPHD for GroupParamHandlerDataAsset
PH for ParamHandler
Group Param Handler content
A GPHD it's a DataAsset which content PHD List
I do this to allow the to manage all parameters by category
Example for EpicHmn :
We can see we have parameters to handle for the Head Creation Data, Hair and Body
If we look into the Head PHD :
A list of key associated to a class object
So for example, each time HeadStyle parameter change, the object BP_ACC_PH_HeadStyle will be call
Inpsect a Param Handler object example
A PH object have 4 events to know when a data change
- OnReceiveInt
- OnReceiveFloat
- OnReceiveColor
- OnReceiveTag
In the BP_ACC_PH_HeadStyle we can see i do stuff when i receive Int Value from HeadStyle key :
Basically it's the stuff about get the Head Skeletal Mesh of the Specie and set with the AnimInstance