Command Action
How fighter can trigger actions by the combinaison of game input
Normally each character has it's own command actions stored in DataTable
Data Example
Here is a example of one command action to trigger a special kick attack
- Input Chord Data -> The input combinaison (like 2 + 6 + MK)
- On Action Success -> What action to perform depend of the Owner core state
Input Chord Data
Each input combinaison possibility are stored in InputChordDataAsset
A legit question
Q : Why in DataAsset and not directly in each Command Action ?
The advantage to store in a DataAsset it's for more flexible reuse
By default the plugin have already some common input chords and you can add your own of course
Q : What does this resource contain ?
This example mean : Bottom(2) + Right(6) + MK(13)
AnimNotifyState and Combo
We can also trigger action thanks Animation
Usually this way to use Command Action are used for Combo Mechanic
For example if we want make a combo of two punch we can add in a punch animation an AnimNotifyState called AFTANCommandAction
The Name in the Command Action can be used for Logging or Debugging